Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Wisdom of Children

I've mentioned our annual desert trip. I failed to mention how much we love this trip and look forward to it every single year. This is a BIG family reunion involving several generations of my husbands family. There are usually about 130-150 people who camp out in the desert for 3 days and 4 nights. We all have such a great time 4-wheeling and riding the trails all over this area where my husband's ancestors lived. It is a really sacred place for the family.

This years trip was wonderful and fun right up until Saturday, the last full day we had on our trip. My husband's cousin's wife was killed in a tragic 4-wheeling accident. The details are unimportant. She was wearing a helmet. It was a complete accident, and we all know that nothing could have been done to prevent it and that knowledge has been comforting. Even still it has been so very hard for all of us, most especially her husband.

The day that we got home from the desert, with the pain of Marina's death fresh in my heart, I got on Facebook to see what had been said about her death. Word had spread fast. Between Marina's page and her husbands, so many people had said so many kind things about her.

As I read these wonderful things about Marina, I cried and cried and cried. My sweet short one asked me why I was crying. I asked him if he remembered Marina. He's only five, but he has an incredible memory, so I knew he would.  He said that he did remember her so I explained to him that she had died and I was sad because I was going to miss her. Then he said to me with the wisdom of a five year old, "But, mom, she'll rise with living breath."

I'm so grateful for my sweet short one. I hope he never forgets the knowledge he has of Heavenly Father and eternal life.

This post is in loving memory of Marina Toffanelli-Birch. You were a bright spot of sunshine in our lives for the short time we had you. We miss you dearly.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. You've done a great job teaching your 5-year-old the plan of salvation.
