Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can you hear me now...

The shortest one has become increasingly clever with the electronics. The other day he got ahold of my cell phone. He'd had it for a few minutes when I realized that he was way too entertained with it. So I grabbed it from him and there was some screen like "thank you for your order." I was like "what?????"

Suddenly I had a new message! It was an E-card! That the shortest1 had ordered from the internet that I don't even have service for on my phone. So he logged onto the internet, ordered an E-card, and had it sent back to my phone.

And then there was another message! Another E-card! The same thing!

And then a third message! He had sent three E-cards in the span of about 2 minutes. I can't wait to see this phone bill.

For the record the E-card said, "You Rock!" Not that a not quite 2 year old knows what it says. But it's the thought that counts, right?

1 comment:

  1. WATCH OUT, he's got the GOLD gene. He's an electronic gadget prodigy. Keep anything requiring batteries away. Far far away. Like in the Star Wars galaxy.
