Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Perfect Storm

With the short one in afternoon kindergarten, from noon until about 12:45 it gets quite hectic at our house. But today it was a perfect storm of badness...

I was trying to make the short ones lunch and then I started to sneeze. Now, I'm not a young girl anymore and I've had a couple of children, so I really had to book it to the bathroom. I'm sitting on the potty when my cell phone rings. Had it been anyone other than my husband I probably would have ignored it. So, I'm on the phone talking to my husband about ridiculous things that seriously could have waited until after my really hectic 45 minutes. Meanwhile, I see a package of cheese slide under the bathroom door and in the background I can hear the short one yelling that the shortest one is trying to help me! Yes, I did scream!

Yes, I did get lunch made. I did get the short one off to school on time. All is well at our house again. Well, as well as it ever is. But I did decide that we needed some rules for that really hectic 45 minutes so that the perfect storm cannot happen again.
1. Mom must go to the bathroom BEFORE trying to make lunch.
2. Dad must not EVER call unless its an absolute emergency during this time.
3. NO cheese in the bathroom EVER.
4. No short one giving me a play by play as he loves to do which just ups the stress level!


  1. you still get to shut the door when you use the bathroom?!?! LUCKY! I know what you mean about that bewitching hour during the day. Of course mine is now 7-8 AM (kill me now!)

  2. I think my oldest was in kindergarten when I taught her to make her own lunch (the night before) to ease the stress level. Some women "don't do windows," and I "don't do lunches." II think my oldest was in kindergarten when I taught actually a kid 50 cents a month to make lunches--yes, I'm cheap.

  3. I promise I will NEVER call unless I'm bleeding. :D

  4. Look at you and your popular blogginess! I LOVE IT! And I love you and your short ones. They are my bestest tiny buddies.
